Tuesday 9 December 2014

Aliens living amongst us

Aliens living amongst us..as outlandish as it sounds and knowing how the boundaries of what's possible and impossible are crossed on a daily basis, this very idea could be a common thing in the 'not too distant future' or it could already be a reality right now.

Before we get into that, let's clarify what an 'Alien' or 'Extraterrestrial' is, often the two words are used interchangeably but there is a difference between the two.In some instances one word has become a synonym for the other, However people will know what you mean despite which word you prefer to use.

When you type 'Extraterrestrial' into Google Chrome's browser it gives you 2 meanings,

The word itself gives you a feeling of something strange and somewhat 'sciencey'.

'Extraterrestrial'  or 'ET' can be used to describe objects in space like meteors, microbes, space dust, basically anything from outside the Earth's atmosphere. This includes the Moon and our neighbouring planets, other moons and comets in our solar system or on a more broader scope Beings from within or outside our solar system,constellations or galaxies.

On the other hand 'Alien' strangely implies something closer to home..

'Alien' is an adjective describing something or someone who is foreign,unfamiliar and even strange. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya and shortly moved with my parents(South African) to the Netherlands, So technically I was an 'Alien'(Legally) [1] but no longer am because we moved back to South Africa ,this applies to anyone living in a country they are not a 'National' of. This adjective applies to animals and plants too.

However people prefer to use the word 'foreigner','auslander','buitelander' depending from which country you are from because although you may originate from another country Human beings are all part of the 'Human Family' and despite behavioural and cultural differences we more or less look the same and our DNA is an identical general template. 2 strands with codons. Alien Beings/ETs may have an extra strand of DNA or more.[2]

The word 'Alien' means 'fictional'(debatable)  Being from Outer Space'
This definition is a bit inaccurate as Outer Space is a hostile environment where the likelihood of 'Life-forms(as Scientists and Biologists know them) is not likely to develop unless we are dealing with 'extremophiles'. 
See webliography at the end of the blog for meaning [3].

Basic Life-forms need water,heat,organic compounds an atmosphere and other conditions to develop. 

However because the impossible happens everyday the very definition of the 'BasicLife-form' might take on a different meaning in future discoveries.

Its no wonder then that the first image that pops into someone's mind when the word 
 'Alien'/'ET' comes up they think of  this..

                                        Conceptual Image- Grey Alien                                                           

This is one of many images of the 'Grey Aliens' one can find on the internet and in various forms of media. Big head, big eyes, small mouth and frail body has become the  'Mascot' or Poster-child description of Aliens.

This is owed largely to the most publicized paranormal event, 'The Roswell Crash 1947'  
where several  former US Air-force Personnel came forward with pictures,testimonies & even debris from a crashed space-craft in Roswell, New Mexico. All of which where later confiscated and vehemently suppressed. [4]
Overlapping testimonies from alleged alien abductees describe the same physical characteristics. [5]

But what if I were to tell you that some 'Aliens' may look like this,

                                           Alien Beings made from Energy from the Movie 

or like this
Conceptual image of a Blue-Skinned Alien

Yes, 'Aliens' like our Human species come in different shapes, colours and sizes, I've sampled some images but please note that these are just conceptual depictions of what witnesses have described in their encounters or sightings
 The descriptions range from exotic to "human-looking Aliens"  where some look just like 'Earthlings' and can blend right in to a point where they can't be differentiated from Humans unless they are physically examined under an X-ray or they exhibit abilities perceived to be 'Super-Human'.[6]

Remember this guy...?

                                                   Clark Kent/ Kal El aka Superman
                                                          DC COMICS
or even this guy?

                                                         Thor - God of Thunder
                                                          Marvel Comics

However I can't help but feel a sense of foreboding when categorizing & comparing 'Alien Beings'.In Human history this has led to inaccurate conclusions about racial superiority/inferiority which was thrown out of  main stream Anthropology long ago & finally put to rest by the Genographic Project which scientifically proved that all Human Beings originated from Africa.[7]

This is not to say that this might lead to  a similar outcome should it become publicly known to people on Earth that Alien Beings live among us,but I believe no Alien Beings are better or worse than other Alien Beings unless if they have taken negative actions [8] against Humanity (past or present) or against other Aliens/ETs. If that's the case then I think it's logical to label them as 'hostile'.Good and Bad is everywhere and permeates the Universe.

Some Alien Beings are gifted. powerful and  talented in various ways that we may find hard to imagine, owing mostly to the fact their civilisations are far older and are  thousands if  not millions of Earth Years ahead of us and they surpass us psychologically,spiritually, genetically,emotionally and technologically.

Note: comparisons made and categorizing in this blog are mainly for speculative purposes only,

Some 'Alien Beings' have been described as 'Nordic-looking'(resemble human beings from Scandinavia-Blond or Dark-haired with light eyes) physically lean with strong bodies ,exceptionally taller than the average human being,
( Height Range :1.90m - 2m),some descriptions up to 4m tall.

Note: People shown in the images are not Alien Beings (As far as we know) but fit the descriptions in testimonies given by witnesses. [6]

Swedish Model- Victoria Silvstedt

Swedish Actor- Dolph Lundgren

Actor/Director - Tom Welling

Conceptual Image

Conceptual Image

Some Alien Beings have been described as looking like dark-skinned Africans,
with exceptional height. Also physically lean and strong bodies, white glowing eyes.
( Height Range :1.90m - 2m), some descriptions up to 4m tall. [6]

Actor/Model -Peter Mensah

Conceptual Image

Some take on a more 'exotic'[14] appearance, it differs drastically from human beings like the account of former USAF Weather observer Charles James Hall who wrote  the Millennial Hospitality Quintet where he talks about his encounter with the "Tall White Aliens" while working as a Weather Observer for the US Air-force in the 60s.[9]

Conceptual Image

Former US Sergeant Clifford Stone has mentioned in the Disclosure Project that while working as part of a 'Retrieval Unit' in the Military that there are 57 different Alien Species some of which look very much like human beings.- See Disclosure Project with Dr Steven Greer [10]

Former Sergeant Clifford Stone

Former Canadian Minister Paul Hellyer has publicly come forward on many occasions and on other platforms and stated on RT's Sophie Shevardnadze's show -SophieCo that Aliens are real and take on various appearances including Human Looking ones that can blend in.[11]

Paul Hellyer

However we cannot end the discussion about the "Aliens Beings living amongst us phenomenon" without mentioning and giving credit to Exopolitics pioneer  Dr Michael Salla who wrote a detailed paper describing the various types of Alien Beings living amongst us or cooperating with the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial-Complex(M.I.E.C) [12] He is also the first person to have a book published about Exopolitics.

Dr Michael Salla PhD

It stands to reason then, that if there are 'Alien Beings' who resemble Human Beings, who can blend in and live like we do,its possible that your neighbour,boss, work colleague, school teacher ,lecturer, personal trainer, model, actor,boyfriend,girlfriend,wife,husband, bowling partner,the dude sitting next to you on a bus,could come from another solar system,star constellation or even galaxy!

A mind-boggling thing to ponder,the thought of it fills me with feelings of curiosity,awe,excitement and fear.Once you overcome the fear it really puts things into perspective.

So the next time you go to a conference, seminar, airport , lecture hall, Gaming Expo..remember.."Alien Beings are everywhere, anywhere and could be anybody.

Links and Webliography
[2] Speculative fiction this has not been proven scientifically- http://www.in5d.com/12-strand-dna-photon-belt.html
[4] Alien abductees description Grey Aliens- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_alien
[8] Taking negative actions against other beings that lead to negative consequences and if this is done consistently without care or remorse.
[9] Millennial Hospitality- http://www.millennialhospitality.com/
[10] Disclosure Project with Dr Steven Greerhttp://www.siriusdisclosure.com/
[12] Dr Michael Salla- http://exopolitics.org/about/founder/
[13] Images were sourced from photobucket,social networking sites, tumblr and pinterest.
[14] 'Exotic'-subjective description,what may be exotic and unusual to us is normal for Aliens and vice versa.

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